
ハンガリ国 Tensiomed

専門用語  Arteriograph

英国    Arteriograph by Unimedic       


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  1. オッシロメトリック法による動脈硬化指標を測定できますか




  1. その特許の内容は


  2. その製品の、今までの同種製品との同等性文献はありますか


  3. この製品名は何と言いますか


  4. 日本の輸入販売元は、

    Wireless Mobile 12 leads ECG Cloud Cardiology Systemとして、あるいは

    12 leads ECG Transmission Fujinokuni として、すでに文献が発表されている

    Hungary Labtech 社のワイヤレス12誘導心電計シリーズ(血圧付き負荷心電計


  5. 薬事認可は、上記Labtech製品はすでに薬事認可許可されていますが、現在申請中で近く認証される見込みです。





The Arteriograph


Arteriograph is a new diagnostic method that can offer reliable and easily understandible information for the patient about endothelial function, central blood pressure and large artery characteristics, which independently and all together are significant determinants of cardiovascular risk.


Medical research over the past decade has provided new possibilities for identifying early stage arterial stiffening via testing of large artery compliance. A significant number of broad, international studies and conclusions, and international studies designated as “evidence-based medicine” support the effectiveness of arterial stiffness related to cardiovascular disease and its prediction. Previously these important characteristics could only be tested under clinical conditions. As a result of the change in approach in this area, devices that are easy and safe to use have appeared, which are able to measure the parameters that indicate arterial function.


The Arteriograph, developed in Hungary and patented in over 30 countries, can measure in a procedure performed on a patient, similarly to a blood pressure measurement, the biological characteristics of the condition of the arteries, which independent of the other well-known classic risk factors (age, sex, blood pressure, cholesterol level, smoking habits), reliably indicates the cardiovascular condition of an asymptomatic patient and his/her risk level, and also assists in adjusting existing blood pressure reduction therapy to an exact and individualized level.




This original, patented oscillometric method, which has also been proven invasively, obtains information from the analysis of the pulse pressure curve registered in the upper arm. The special, so-called stop-flow method, i.e. the complete occlusion of the brachial artery eliminates the distortion of the pressure curve, so that the pressure curves are clearly recognizable and suitable for analysis. The occlusive measurement period lasts just a few seconds. The analytic software does not employ a mathematically generalized transfer function. The determination of the position and the amplitude of the reflective wave enable simultaneous and simple determination of pulse wave velocity, the augmentation index and the central blood pressure, as well as complementing the traditional blood pressure measurement data (systolic, diastolic blood pressure, arterial medial pressure, pulse) with further hemodynamic parameters.